
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2018

People are attacking David Beckham to kiss his 7 year old daughter on the lips in a portrait

Celebrities are not strangers to their choice of parenting. In fact, the more they choose to share their views with the followers, the more they will get the opinions of the refusers who swear they are doing something wrong. This level of criticism can reach someone, but some celebrities have succeeded in making the trolls wrap their backs. One of them is David Beckham. The Beckhams are comprehensive family goals where most of them are concerned. Both parents share quite a bit with their followers, including photos of their four children, Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz, and Harper. But the picture David recently published with Harper provoked intense criticism and debate. In the picture, the 43-year-old former footballer accepted his 7-year-old daughter on the lips, which some people think is inappropriate. Even those who do not fully agree that Beckham should refrain from publishing such images if they do not want to deal with criticism. المشاهير ليسو...

مهرجان لقاهرة الدولي ال40 Cairo International Festival

التسجيل   ايّام القاهرة لصناعة السينما جلسات الحوار والمحاضرات الحلقات النقاشية ملتقى القاهرة السينمائي ورش العمل ورشة تطوير السيناريو ورشة EAVE/BMS Global Media Makers مؤتمر المسابقة الدولية فريق المهرجان اللائحة الفنية رؤساء المهرجان 40 نوفمبر 22, 2018 40 بيان حفل الإفتتاح محمد حفظي : تاريخ الدورة يجعلنا فى مهمة خاصة من أجل التميز سمير صبري وحسن حسني:سعداء بتكريم القاهرة السينمائي ونحن على قيد الحياة بيل أوجست: القاهرة تستحق أن. تكون. عاصمة للسينما العالمية بيتر جريناواي: السينما تتغير مع الزمن ونتطلع الى تقديم سينما تساير الواقع يوسف شريف رزق فى ليلة تكريمه: سعدت بالعمل بالقاهرة السينمائي على مدار ثلاثين...  Statement of the opening ceremony Mohamed Hafez: The history of the course makes us special for excellence Samir Sabri and Hassan Hosni: Happy to honor Cairo Film Festival and we are alive Bill August: Cairo deserves that. ...